Spring cave is a large and not completely explored cave in White River National Forest. The cave formed from an underground river which makes for some awesome pictures.
It contains a lake several hundred meters inside as well as several caverns only accessible through underwater diving.
There are two entrances to the cave, both at the end of Spring Cave Trail. Most visitors prefer the nearest entrance, an over-two-meter-high passageway. From there one descends through several rooms leading to a permanent ladder, followed by more rooms leading to the river. It is the largest river inside a cave in Colorado. The level of the river rises and falls throughout the year, and can even rise to the level of the cave entrance on rare occasions.
There are several series of rooms above and past the river, a few of which lead to an underground lake. Past the lake lies several sumps which must be passed through by diving.
Spring Cave was closed to public access or use due to White Nose Syndrome, a fungal disease that is devastating bat populations in the United States and Canada. Spring Cave may now be visited April 16 through August 14, by persons who have registered and observed decontamination procedures. It is closed from August 15 to April 15 during the winter hibernation period.
If you plan on entering the cave make sure you register, decontaminate, and follow the procedures. There are regulations in place to help protect the bats that call it home. Cavers are encouraged to visit these caves when they are open for public access.
Spring cave is 29 miles east of Meeker. Take highway 13 east to Rio Blanco County Road 8 then turn on county road 10. This will bring you to South Fork Campground and trailhead. The cave is across the bridge and 0.6 miles from the campsite.
The cave is free to explore. Registration is required to access caves that are open. Decontamination procedures following US Fish and Wildlife Service protocols are required by everyone to enter any and all caves. Clothing and equipment used in states or provinces where the White-nose Syndrome is found or suspected are prohibited.
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